Have you got the Write Stuff?

Are you ready to take the publishing world by storm?
Simon & Schuster UK and the Darley Anderson Literary Agency are looking to find the next bestselling commercial fiction author: the remit is broad, from women’s fiction to crime, historical to psychological thrillers, and everything in between.
In order to focus entries and provoke thought, we are providing a theme for entrants to consider: that of new beginnings and discovery.
Our driving force is to access as diverse a pool of people as possible. We want to hear from writers who might otherwise be unsure as to how they could become published. We are also working alongside the Bradford Literature Festival, to raise awareness and will announce our winning entry there in June.
The winning author will receive: representation by Darley Anderson Agency; an eBook contract from Simon & Schuster UK, to include standard author royalty, and have their submitted piece of work published in eBook format. No cash alternative will be offered, and the prize is non-transferable.
Publication will be scheduled for July 2019, but the Publisher reserves the right to delay this if necessary.
We are not able to offer runner-up prizes but the judges may, at their own discretion, contact you after the competition has finished if they enjoyed your submission.
The judges:
Jo Dickinson, Publishing Director of Fiction and Audio at Simon & Schuster UK
Anne Perry, Editorial Director of Fiction at Simon & Schuster UK
Camilla Wray, Literary Agent at Darley Anderson Agency
Tanera Simons, Literary Agent at Darley Anderson Agency
How to enter:
In order for the judges to fully consider your submission, you must include:
The first three chapters or 10,000 words of your work, whichever better suits the format of your book.
A one-page synopsis of your book: this is a summary of the entire work, not a blurb.
A one-page covering letter, to include a little bit about yourself, why you are entering the competition, how it incorporates the given theme, and a one-line hook of your novel.
If you are longlisted, you will be contacted by the judges by Friday 4th May and will have to send the whole manuscript of your submitted work to them by Friday 11th May. If you are unable to submit a full manuscript upon request by the given date then the judges will not be able to consider your submission.
Send entries to: writeherecompetition@simonandschuster.co.uk
Find out more about us and read the competition terms and conditions here >>