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Baptiste Amsallem
About The Author
Baptiste Amsallem was born in Paris, France. As a child, he was inspired to draw by Calvin and Hobbes, Uncle Scrooge, and Dragon Ball. Baptiste graduated from art school in 2009, and his first children’s book was published in 2011; ten years and thirty books later, he still loves being an illustrator. He particularly likes to draw children and animals with human characteristics. Dip pen in India ink and watercolor are his go-to tools. Baptiste makes his characters alive on paper, funny and moving at the same time, and likes to convey an idea, an emotion, or a whole story with a single image. He is an associate member of Illustration Québec and La Charte des Auteurs et Illustrateurs de Jeunesse. He lives in Montreal with his wife and their Samoyed.
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