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Brendan Taylor
About The Author
Brendan Taylor is Associate Professor of Strategic Studies at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. He was Head of the Centre from 2011-2016. He is a specialist on great power strategic relations in the Asia-Pacific, East Asian ‘flashpoints’, and Asian security architecture. His publications have featured in such leading journals as The Washington Quarterly, International Affairs, Survival, Asian Security, Asia Policy, Review of International Studies and the Pacific Review. He is the author of Sanctions as Grand Strategy, which was published in the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Adelphi series. He is also the editor (with William Tow) of Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Asia-Pacific security (Routledge, 2013); and (with Peter Dean and Stephan Fruehling) of Australia’s American Alliance (MUP, 2016). His latest book, The Four Flashpoints: How Asia Goes to War, will be published by Black Inc. in August 2018.
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