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Corie Adjmi
About The Author
Corie Adjmi is the executive producer of the films A Photographic Memory and Horsegirls. She is the best-selling, award-winning author of the novel The Marriage Box and the short story collection Life and Other Shortcomings. The Jewish Chronicle included The Marriage Box on a list of Best Jewish Books and the novel was featured as a Goodreads Most Popular Book. Corie's prize-winning essays and short stories have appeared in dozens of journals and magazines, including HuffPost, Newsweek, North American Review, Indiana Review, Medium, Motherwell and Kveller. In 2024, Corie contributed an essay to the anthology, On Being Jewish Now edited by Zibby Owens. She and her husband have five children and a number of grandchildren, with more on the way. She lives and works in New York City.
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