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Cristina Pozo-Kaderman
About The Author
Cristina Pozo-Kaderman, PhD is a clinical psychologist and director of the Young Adult Program (YAP) at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Pozo-Kaderman obtained her doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Miami. She completed her internship at Cornell Medical College, Payne Whitney Clinic, and her fellowship in psychooncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. As a psychologist, Dr. Pozo-Kaderman exclusively serves young adults who have received a cancer diagnosis, often following them from the time of diagnosis until several years post-treatment. As the head of the YAP, she is responsible for programming that is available to the totality of Dana-Farber’s young adult client population; this programming includes individual psychosocial services, support groups, education, webinars, advocacy, partnerships and events with national nonprofits, and the annual Young Adult Cancer Conference.
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