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Katrina Anne Willis

About The Author

Katrina Anne Willis, 2011 Midwest Writers Fellow and 2015 BlogHer Voice of the Year, is an author, blogger, and essayist. An Indianapolis Listen to Your Mother participant and contributor to Mamalode magazine, her work has been anthologized in Nothing but the Truth So Help Me God: 73 Women On Life’s Transitions (Nothing but the Truth Publishing, 2014) and My Other Ex: Women’s True Stories of Leaving and Losing Friends (HerStories Project Press, 2014). She was awarded the 2014 Parenting Media Association’s Gold Medal Blogger Award for her work with Indy’s Child magazine. Willis lives in Northwest Ohio with the love of her life, Chris, and her four fabulous teenagers, Sam, Gus, Mary Claire, and George. Learn more at

Books by Katrina Anne Willis