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Malka Older
About The Author
Malka Older is a writer, sociologist, and aid worker. A faculty associate at Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society, she teaches on the humanitarian-development spectrum and on predictive fictions, and is an associate researcher at the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations. She’s spoken at venues including SXSW, the Personal Democracy Forum, the FWD50 conference, and the Hamburg International Summer Festival on topics such as democracy, data, narrative disorder, and speculative resistance. Older’s The Mimicking of Known Successes was named a best book by Library Journal; its sequel, The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles, was just published. Older’s sci-fi political thriller Infomocracy was named a book of the year by Kirkus Reviews, Book Riot, and The Washington Post. She is also author of Null States and State Tectonics, the creator of Ninth Step Station, and lead writer for the licensed sequel to Orphan Black. She’s written opinion pieces for The New York Times, The Nation, and Foreign Policy.
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