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Maria Alviz Hernando
About The Author
María Alviz Hernando is a reader, divination teacher, and international speaker. Her signature style, known as Tarot Tableau, blends traditional tarot and European cartomancy techniques, resulting in a system that aims to make tarot effective, useful, and to the point. As a reader, she combines a predictive approach with practical analysis, exploring the possibilities available and offering actionable steps to deal with matters that are truly important to her querents. As one of the Directors of the World Divination Association and its Spanish-speaking branch, WDA Hispana, María is dedicated to promoting the love for divination worldwide. Education is a cornerstone of María's work and she offers diverse online courses María has had the privilege of presenting at numerous online and in-person conferences, including the WDA Big Bang Conference, Lenormand Summit, Divination Pride, Stockholm Tarot Conference, WDA Virtual Conference, and most recently, StaarCon. Beyond her undying love for tarot reading, María indulges in her other passions, including history and antiques (especially the world of antique jewelry), literature, cross-stitching, travel, and spoiling her bratty cats. She is based in Madrid and resides with her fabulous husband.
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