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Robert Stack
About The Author
Robert Stack has been a national leader in enhancing the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He is a pioneer in promoting community-based housing and workforce training, advocating against outdated institutional practices. Starting as a young civil servant in 1980, Stack led efforts to close large institutions and transition individuals to community settings, long before the ADA and Olmstead decision formalized these changes. In 1989, he founded Community Options to provide dignified living and employment opportunities for people with disabilities, which now serves over 5,000 individuals across 12 states. As president and CEO, Stack has continuously advocated for disability rights on national and international stages, addressing issues such as the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on institutionalized individuals and engaging with key government bodies to drive reform. Recently, he was appointed trustee of the Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability.
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