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Stuart Scheller
About The Author
LtCol Stuart Scheller joined the United States Marine Corps in 2005. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Cincinnati and a Master’s in Military Science from the Marine Corps Command and Staff College. Over the course of his seventeen-year service, he has commanded troops at the platoon, company, and battalion level. He has excelled as a leader both on deployment and in the training of future warriors. In the first year of his service he was called upon to help evacuate American citizens from Beirut during the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese conflict. In Ramadi, Iraq, he served as a company executive officer and fire support team leader. In the Paktika and Ghanziprovinces of Afghanistan, he helped clear IEDs. He has held multiple training commands including, most recently, commander of the Advanced Infantry Training Battalionat the School of Infantry East at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. It was in this capacity that he attracted attention in the summer of 2021 for speaking out against the disordered American withdrawal from Afghanistan and the failures in leadership––civil and military––that led to the chaos.
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