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Thais Nye Derich

About The Author

Thais Derich was born in Carmel, CA. She is a graduate of California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, and lived for two years in Belgium and France studying French before returning to live in California. After starting her own software training business and traveling the US teaching software at Fortune-500 companies, she and her husband decided to start a family, and she left the business to stay home full-time. While at home, she started a successful food blog, sold her healthy granola bars at Rainbow Grocery, and wrote Second Chance. Derich is published at Salon, BlogHer, BabyCenter, Literary Mama, Wild Violet Literary Magazine, Forge Journal, SFGate, and the San Francisco Examiner. A chapter of Second Chance was a finalist out of 500 entries for the Creative Non-Fiction Magazine’s baby anthology. She now lives in beautiful Marin County, where she is writing her second book and working at a lovely women’s coworking space called The Hivery.

Books by Thais Nye Derich