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Volume 1

By Red
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

For fans of the hit webcomic Aurora, will delight in the first series installment in print, which follows a found family of heroes on a journey to save a god from an immortal witch.

The shining city of Vash in the world of Aurora is protected by a great and powerful god of the same name, but even Vash’s incarnation cannot withstand the Collector, an immortal sorceress bent on unmaking the world. Vash’s city is destroyed and his soul abducted, leaving only ruins and the wounded, empty body of his incarnation. When newborn soul Kendal awakens in the body, he is driven to rescue the imprisoned Vash. Now Kendal must grapple with living as a mortal and defeating a force powerful enough to sunder the gods.

Kendal is aided by the friends he makes along the way: Alinua, a volatile elven hermit terrified of her uncontrollable life magic; Erin, the prideful Elemental Magus, master of all six elements, who is burdened with a world-shattering curse; and Falst, a surly beastman trying to find his way in a world that hates him. Together, they will journey through magic and mystery, explore perilous environments, and confront ancient forces. Stars dance beyond the shimmering curtains of Aurora; it is time to draw those curtains back . . .

With exclusive author commentary and bonus story content, Aurora (Volume 1) has plenty for both fans and new readers to enjoy.

About The Author

Red is an artist, writer, and voice actor. She enjoys cartoons, push-ups, chocolate, cool pictures of space, and yelling about her opinions on the internet.
Red uses her YouTube channel, Overly Sarcastic Productions, to incessantly discuss her special interests without boring her friends and family to tears.
Sometimes she remembers to sleep.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (August 28, 2025)
  • Length: 384 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781524896409
  • Ages: 12 - 17

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