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Battles at the Ballot

The Politicians, Idealists and Cranks of Britain's WW1 By-elections

Published by Haythorp Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

As World War One broke out in 1914, the main British political parties agreed a truce for Westminster by-elections: they would allow whoever was the incumbent to win. But the public disagreed and 23 by-elections provided a platform for a motley crew of independents. Among them mainstream politicians, failing politicians, party loyalists, idealists, single-issue fanatics, chancers, and no-hopers.

The casus belli for these independents changed as the war progressed, or didn’t, and as issues rose and fell in public significance. Consequently, the contests provide a fascinating insight for a 20thC readership into the priorities and concerns of the home front during WW1, such as:
  • the poor quality of Britain’s air defences
  • splits within the Labour movement over the war
  • opposition to restrictions on alcohol
  • controversy about the conscription of married men
  • dissatisfaction with support for discharged servicemen
  • calls for ever harsher treatment of ‘aliens’
  • discontent at the perceived failure to pursue the war vigorously

Battles at the Ballots is an authoritative and highly engaging look at a little-known slice of British parliamentary and political history, suitable for both the general trade market and an academic audience. It comes with an 8-page colour plate, a full list of election results, footnotes and endnotes. Detailed coverage of 23 by-elections will appeal to those interested in local history in London, South Wales, Scotland, the North-East, Yorkshire, and elsewhere.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Haythorp Books (May 8, 2025)
  • Length: 352 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781914487514

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