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About The Book

Like a strand of mutating DNA, a deadly conspiracy winds its way through the Alpha Quadrant, even as it stretches across several years of Starfleet history. This special omnibus volume contains the entire bestselling saga-by some of Star Trek's most popular authors:
Book One: Infection
John Gregory Betancourt
Deanna Troi's life is endangered by a mysterious plague that threatens to spread throughout the Federation and beyond!
Book Two: Vectors
Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch
On the Cardassian space station known as Terok Nor, Dr. Katherine Pulaski struggles to heal the planet Bajor!
Book Three: Red Sector
Diane Carey
An elderly Dr. McCoy reunites with Ambassador Spock to save the Romulan royal family-and a new generation!
Book Four: Quarantine
John Vornholt
Lieutenant Tom Riker joins forces with the outlaw Maquis to rescue a world in peril!
Book Five: Double or Nothing
Peter David
Along with Captain Mackenzie Calhoun of the Starship Excalibur, Jean-Luc Picard tracks the deadly contagion to its source!
Book Six: The First Virtue Michael
Jan Friedman & Christie Golden
Years before commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise™, a young Picard must prevent a war -- and witness the secret origin of a diabolical threat that would someday menace all he cares for!

About The Authors

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Peter David is a prolific writer whose career, and continued popularity, spans more than twenty-five years. He has worked in every conceivable media—television, film, books (fiction, nonfiction, and audio), short stories, and comic books—and acquired followings in all of them.

Diane Carey is the bestselling author of numerous acclaimed Star Trek® novels, including Final Frontier, Best Destiny, Ship of the Line, Challenger, Wagon Train to the Stars, First Strike, The Great Starship Race, Dreadnought!, Ghost Ship, Station Rage, Ancient Blood, Fire Ship, Call to arms, Sacrifice of Angels, and Starfleet Academy. She has also written the novelizations of such episodes as The Way of the Warrior, Trials and Tribble-ations, Flashback, Equinox, Decent, What You Leave Behind, and End Game. She lives in Owasso, Michigan

Considered one of the most prolific writers working in modern fiction, USA TODAY bestselling writer Dean Wesley Smith published far over a hundred novels in forty years, and hundreds of short stories across many genres. He currently produces novels in four major series, including the time travel Thunder Mountain novels set in the old west, the galaxy-spanning Seeders Universe series, the urban fantasy Ghost of a Chance series, and the superhero series staring Poker Boy. During his career he also wrote a couple dozen Star Trek novels, plus novels set in gaming and television worlds.

New York Times bestselling author Kristine Kathryn Rusch writes in almost every genre. Generally, she uses her real name (Rusch) for most of her writing. She publishes bestselling science fiction and fantasy, award-winning mysteries, acclaimed mainstream fiction, controversial nonfiction, and the occasional romance. Her novels have made bestseller lists around the world and her short fiction has appeared in eighteen best of the year collections. She has won more than twenty-five awards for her fiction, including the Hugo, Le Prix Imaginales, the Asimov's Readers Choice award, and the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Readers Choice Award.

Photo Credit: Michael P. Georges

New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Christie Golden has written more than forty novels and several short stories in the fields of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Among her many projects are over a dozen Star Trek novels and several original fantasy novels. An avid player of World of Warcraft, she has written two manga short stories and several novels in that world. Golden lives in Tennessee. She welcomes visitors to her website:

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Michael Jan Friedman is the author of nearly sixty books of fiction and nonfiction, more than half of which bear the name Star Trek or some variation thereof. Ten of his titles have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. He has also written for network and cable television, radio, and comic books, the Star Trek: Voyager® episode “Resistance” prominent among his credits. On those rare occasions when he visits the real world, Friedman lives on Long Island with his wife and two sons.

John Gregory Betancourt is the bestselling author of more thirty books, including several Star Trek novels and the Dawn of Amber trilogy.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Pocket Books/Star Trek (October 30, 2002)
  • Length: 1120 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780743473934

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