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Get Out Now
Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It's Too Late
Table of Contents
About The Book
Product Details
- Publisher: Regnery Gateway (August 14, 2018)
- Length: 256 pages
- ISBN13: 9781621577546
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Raves and Reviews
“This prophetic book is a clear and present danger—to conservative complacency. The culture
war is over in most public schools—and our side lost. Mary Rice Hasson’s and Theresa Farnan’s
galvanizing case for a public school exodus should be a game-changer for conservative parents,
especially religious believers under the outdated illusion that their kids can be ‘salt and light’ in
such hostile deserts.”
Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option
“I share the authors’ view that there are dedicated and talented teachers and
administrators—many of them former students of mine—serving heroically in our public
schools. But as Farnan and Hasson show, parents send their children to public schools at great
peril. The risk to mind, body, and soul is too high. Don’t just read this book; buy dozens of
copies for family and friends. If you care about their kids, get them this book.”
Paul Kengor, Ph.D., author of Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has
Sabotaged Family and Marriage and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism
“Don’t be one of the millions of parents helplessly gobsmacked when their children leave their
faith or consider irreversible self-mutilation. Not knowing what’s happening may be
comfortable, but it endangers your family. So protect your children proactively. Start by reading
this book. It may lead you to better decisions as a parent and citizen about some deeply important
social changes that affect you and those you love.”
Joy Pullmann, Executive Editor, The Federalist
“I have often said that there are only two things wrong with our schools: Everything the children
don’t learn there, and everything they do. I see now that my diagnosis was far too optimistic. For
Mary Rice Hasson and Theresa Farnan show that the schools are far worse than I had supposed.
Get your kids of there—now.”
Anthony Esolen, Ph.D., professor of English Renaissance and classical literature at the Thomas
More College of Liberal Arts and author of Out of the Ashes: Rebuilding American Culture
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