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God-Given or Bust

Defeating Marxism and Saving America with Biblical Truths

Foreword by Jack Hibbs
Published by Bombardier Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

In America, either rights come from God—or they don’t. This is the ultimate war, and God-Given or Bust tells how patriots can win.

American exceptionalism is rooted in the idea that individual rights come from God and government is only in place to preserve and protect those rights. But America’s losing sight of that concept. America’s turning into a country where the government grants rights and privileges to only those the government deems worthy—and takes them from those it deems unworthy. This is not how the Founding Fathers envisioned the nation; this is not how the concept of inalienable rights coming from a Creator works. Rather, this is how Marxism, communism, and collectivism spread.

If we want a nation that’s free for generations to come, then we must reclaim the notion of God-given and ditch the idea of government-granted. The only way to do that is for Americans of faith to rise up and inject biblical values and godly principles into government, culture, and society, and put God once again at the center. It’s time to demand the God-given—or the great American experiment will come to an end.

About The Author

Cheryl Chumley is the online opinion editor and host of the Bold & Blunt podcast at the Washington Times, a bestselling author, a public speaker, and a frequent media guest for national audiences. She is also a certified private investigator, an Army veteran, and the mother of four.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bombardier Books (January 14, 2025)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9798888455258

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Raves and Reviews

“Cheryl Chumley, in God-Given or Bust, has not only shown why God matters in America, and how faith is tied to freedom, but also how the idea of ‘God-given’ rights and liberties, as envisioned by Founding Fathers, actually works and pragmatically plays for both individual and country. This is a powerful book that moves the concept of ‘God-given’ off paper and into real life.”

Mike Pompeo, Former Secretary of State

“The neo-Marxist attack from within is the most existential threat America has ever faced. And the only way to save this country before it’s truly too late is to return to God. This indispensable book provides a vivid, inspiring roadmap to getting our national spiritual house in order and restoring America’s exceptionalism, greatness, and goodness via its original faith-based principles.”

Monica Crowley, Ph.D., News Analyst, Host of “The Monica Crowley Podcast,” and Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

“The best offense against the frightening specter of totalitarianism is fact-based truth. In her book God-Given or Bust, Cheryl Chumley has amassed a huge trough of information that presents the reader with the ‘how’ behind the progressive socialist quest. Chapter Nine on how George Soros money has corrupted the information industry is a shocker.”

Bill O’Reilly

“Once again, Cheryl Chumley cuts right through the political lies and division and goes straight to the rotten heart of the problem: America increasingly embraces socialism and Marxism, a hatred of Western civilization, cultural depravity, and moral relevance, simply because we’ve turned our backs on God and His Biblical truths. Read this book. It is a critical reminder that fundamental American rights and freedoms are not reliant on government or on ourselves, but are God-given. To turn our backs on God is to participate in our own demise.”

Shea Bradley-Farrell, Ph.D., President, Counterpoint Institute; Author, Last Warning to the West: Hungary’s Triumph Over Communism and the Woke Agenda

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