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La Mosca Que Voló al Espacio (The Fly Who Flew to Space Spanish Edition)

Illustrated by Raleigh Stewart
Published by The Collective Book Studio
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Lauren Sánchez, periodista ganadora del premio Emmy, piloto, y filántropa, lleva a los lectores a una aventura espacial de altos-vuelos con Flynn, la mosca, en su debut con su libro de cuentos ilustrados.

"Esta historia de aventuras es más que un simple libro; es un viaje mágico que cautivará las mentes y los corazones jóvenes. La increíble narración de Lauren no solo despierta la imaginación de nuestros pequeños, sino que también enciende la pasión por soñar en grande y seguir sus pasiones con entusiasmo ilimitado." —Eva Longoria, Directora, Actriz y Activista

Valiente e inquisitiva, Flynn es una pequeña mosca con grandes sueños. Fascinada por las estrellas, Flynn fantasea con convertirse en astronauta. La escuela es difícil, pero especialmente debido a la compañía de cohetes que le roba la atención justo en el camino. Un día mientras que explora, Flynn vuela a bordo de un cohete espacial que repentinamente . . . ¡Despega!

Sigue a Flynn en un recorrido fascinante al espacio para aprender más acerca de nuestro precioso planeta — desde maravillas naturales asombrosas como la selva tropical a la atmósfera que nos protege. Después de todo, los grandes sueños y una mente curiosa, ¡pueden conducir a los descubrimientos más asombrosos!

Con una cubierta del libro que se dobla como un póster que brilla en la oscuridad, este cautivador libro ilustrado brinda ilustraciones exquisitamente detalladas por el ganador de Clio, Raleigh Stewart, e introduce importantes conceptos llamados STEAM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, arte y matemáticas). Al alentar la exploración y conservación, Sánchez—y Flynn—harán que los pequeños lectores alcancen las estrellas.

“This adventurous story is more than just a book; it's a magical journey that will captivate young minds and hearts. Lauren’s incredible storytelling not only sparks the imaginations of our little ones but also ignites a passion for dreaming big and following their passions with boundless enthusiasm.” —Eva Longoria, Director, Actress and Activist

Bold and inquisitive, Flynn is a little fly with big dreams. Fascinated by the stars, Flynn daydreams of becoming an astronaut. School is hard, but especially when there’s an attention-grabbing rocket company just down the road. One day, while exploring, Flynn flies aboard a rocket ship that suddenly takes off!

Follow Flynn on an exciting journey to space to learn more about our precious planet—from amazing natural wonders, like the rainforest, to the atmosphere that protects it all. After all, big dreams and a curious mind can lead to the most astonishing discoveries!

With a book jacket that doubles as a glow-in-the-dark poster, this engaging picture book features exquisitely detailed illustrations by Clio-award winner, Raleigh Stewart, and introduces important STEAM concepts. Encouraging exploration and conservation, Sánchez—and Flynn—will have little readers reaching for the stars.

About The Author

Long before Emmy Award-winning journalist, pilot, and philanthropist Lauren Sánchez was a children’s book author, she was a little girl with big dreams. Growing up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, she looked to her father, a former flight instructor, and dreamed of one day becoming a pilot. Watching him ignited Lauren’s passion for aviation. After a long career in journalism, Lauren finally got her pilot’s license in her 40’s, which ultimately led her to found Black Ops Aviation in 2016—proving you are never too old to chase your dreams. Years later, Lauren can see her own kids looking to the sky with wonder. That experience as a mom, coupled with her love of storytelling and adventure, motivated Lauren to write her first children’s book. Lauren hopes this book can help kids everywhere find their passion and chase their dreams, even up into the clouds and beyond!

About The Illustrator

Raleigh Stewart is a multi-disciplined creative artist with over 25 years of experience in Hollywood’s entertainment industry. With a diverse skill set that includes Art direction, broadcast motion graphics, title design, illustration, oil painting, prop making, model making, bladesmithing, fabrication, and wood & leather craft, Raleigh brings a fresh and innovative perspective to every project. Throughout his career, Raleigh has collaborated with major studios such as Lucasfilm, Disney, Warner Brothers, Universal, Studio Ghibli, Paramount, Amazon, Netflix, Apple, Playtone, CNN and many more. His work has been recognized by respected publications, including multiple Clio awards for his work with CNN and Lucasfilm.

Product Details

  • Publisher: The Collective Book Studio (September 10, 2024)
  • Length: 32 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781685553005
  • Ages: 4 - 8

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Raves and Reviews

"Esta historia de aventuras es más que un simple libro; es un viaje mágico que cautivará las mentes y los corazones jóvenes. La increíble narración de Lauren no solo despierta la imaginación de nuestros pequeños, sino que también enciende la pasión por soñar en grande y seguir sus pasiones con entusiasmo ilimitado."

– Eva Longoria, Directora, Actriz y Activista

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More books from this illustrator: Raleigh Stewart