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Discover a grimoire of over 150 spells from leading witch Fiona Horne

Lost for many years, this collection draws together over 30 years of spells old and new created by Fiona Horne for everything from traditional topics such as love and relationships, self-care and wellbeing, and money and work, to up-to-the-minute issues such as social media challenges, environmental concerns and mental health in our busy modern world. Fiona Horne guides you through how to spellcast as well as different kinds of natural magick such as working with the energy of the moon and sun, and shares the secret of crafting a magickal life: stop asking for things just for you and start helping others instead. A treasure trove of magickal advice and know-how, this spell book will show you how to charm away a cold or flu, how to make your in-laws to like you, spells to find new love or add spice to your relationship, magick yourself into a new job and much more. Whether you're an experienced practitioner or just starting on your magickal life, this book is for you.

About The Author

Author Fiona Horne is one of the world's most respected witches. She is the author of fourteen bestselling books on modern witchcraft, published over the last two decades, which see her writings having a generational impact on the evolution of the modern witch. Her tireless devotion to dispelling negative myths and stereotypes contributes to the freedom of modern witches to practice their craft today without fearing vilification and persecution. Thirty years ago she launched a career in the entertainment industry as the lead singer of number one Aussie 90s electro-rock band, Def FX, before continuing on to be a popular radio and television personality, appearing on many programs around the world.

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