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Table of Contents
About The Book
• Describes the positive and negative character-defining traits of each of the 96 Moon phase/Moon sign combinations
• Explains how to use your natal Moon’s sign and phase to predict how current and approaching Moons can affect you
• Explores the universal challenges arising during each Moon phase throughout the year and ways to honor each phase as it passes
The Moon’s ever-changing phases offer a way to deepen our understanding of our natal Moon sign as well as the Moon’s day-to-day influence on our emotional tides. Through its 8 phases and its wandering dance through each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac--from the Infant’s Moon (the New Moon in Aries) to the Storyteller’s Moon (the Full Moon in Gemini) to the Prophet’s Moon (the waning Balsamic Moon in Aquarius)--the Moon shares its story in 96 different ways.
Telling the stories of the heart of all 96 Moon phase and Moon sign combinations, Raven Kaldera explains the creative gifts and emotional challenges bestowed upon those born under each Moon archetype as well as how to nurture the positive traits and improve--or at least discourage--the negative ones. Exploring the influences each Moon archetype has on us as it passes, the author reveals which Moons are the most difficult, what innate qualities each Moon brings out in us, and what we can do to honor each Moon. Including evocative quotes illuminating the nature of each Moon, Kaldera shows how to use your natal Moon’s astrological sign and phase to find your “hidden Moons”--the shadows cast by passing Moons--and predict how current and approaching Moons will affect you.
Soul's Redemption
The Gibbous Moon
After the personal crisis of the Quarter Moon, the soul finds itself in a pit created by its own response to hard choices. On the Gibbous Moon, we tend to the work of personal redemption, doing whatever we have to do to climb out of that pit. The Quarter Moon is the Mess We Make, and the Gibbous Moon is the Price We Pay To Clean It Up. Each archetype will start a role that is both something they have the aptitude for and that is a challenge for them, and in moving through it they will find their way upward; they will work hard to perfect something precious to them. We are still struggling on the Gibbous Moon, but it is a struggle toward a goal and not merely a fight to keep from slipping backward into a pit. It is a time of applied, conscientious effort in the face of obstacles.
There is a focused feeling to the energy of the Gibbous Moon. After all the bad-and-good thrashing about of the Waxing Quarter, the heart begins a slow climb to a calmer and steadier place. Nothing is all-good or all-bad now, it’s just . . . necessary. Doing what is necessary is the hallmark of this phase.
Trickster’s Moon
The Gibbous Moon in Aquarius
In the Gibbous Moon phase, the Aquarius Moon realizes that people respond well to humor and learns the magic of the Trickster. The Trickster is present in all cultures, and he lives in a special, enchanted place. Even in the most repressed and dangerous times, he appears like the court jester who was able to speak hard truths to the king that his courtiers dared not say, so long as he cloaked it in joking around. The Trickster makes people laugh, so he can say hard things and teach them subtle lessons. He also learns not to take himself too seriously and not to be afraid of being seen as a fool. This is where Aquarius, the opposite of image-conscious Leo, is able to let go and be ridiculous if it will get the point across to the masses. The Trickster does street theater rather than revolution and finds that it is just as revolutionary.
The dark side of the Trickster archetype is that sometimes Tricksters are penalized for their words. Sometimes denial is so thick that nothing will be heard, and it falls to the Trickster to be the one to speak the truth even when they know that they will not be heard, that they may well be killed for it. I once read a tale of a Native American tribe on the northwest coast who were being cheated of their furs by white traders who dazzled them with cheap trinkets. The female sacred trickster of the tribe dissuaded them from their greed by setting up a crude stall near the traders, where she loudly hawked dung, rocks, and sticks. The people turned sheepishly from their enthusiastic acquisition of cheap trinkets . . . and the traders killed the trickster. This punishment happens in myths, too. It’s part of the deal: the safety that the Trickster counts on is paid for by being the one to risk it when even he or she will not be safe, but the truth must still be spoken. Why must it be spoken, even if the speaker will be silenced and nothing will change? Because someone in the future might hear the tale passed down, and understand, and make the change. On this Moon, the Aquarius Moon truly learns what it is to sacrifice for the future.
On the Trickster’s Moon, we tell tales of trickery that worked, that brought justice when nothing else would, that got a lesson through a hard head. We do street theater, if that’s in our repertoire. If nothing else, we attack a problem in an unusual way, brainstorming for something that’s never been thought of before.
People born on the Trickster’s Moon want to change the world, but when they try to do it grimly and seriously, they always end up feeling clumsy. They are at their best when they can think up an original and slightly ridiculous way to get it done--the way that nobody expects and that only they can pull off. This is beyond thinking outside the box; it’s thinking in a universe where there are no boxes. There is a faint echo of the Leo Clown’s Moon in Trickster’s Moon people, at least when it comes to being the class clown, but where Leo does it to please the audience and get attention, Aquarius does it for the message . . . or they should. It’s not their cosmic job to do it for applause. They need to risk the truth-telling, or it will all go wrong.
Trickster’s Moon people may be attracted to “crazy wisdom gurus,” and they are at their best when they’re spreading their own whimsical message through venues where it will sink in subtly, without being noticed. They will also be the truthspeakers who sacrifice themselves, pointing out the Emperor’s nudity. If they’re skilled, they’ll manage to do it in a way that skates them by any repercussions . . . but if they can’t skate by, they’ll be driven to do it anyway, for the sake of the Truth.
Product Details
- Publisher: Destiny Books (March 28, 2011)
- Length: 368 pages
- ISBN13: 9781594779428
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Raves and Reviews
“Astrology can be overwhelming for novices, but this guide makes for both easy reading and comprehension. The heart of the book tells the stories of 96 moon phases and moon-sign combinations, from the Infant's Moon to the Prophet's moon. . . Beginners will finish with an understanding of how to find their moon sign and phase through an astrological chart, and more advanced readers with a greater interest in using the moon as a life guide will find much useful information here. Easy-to-understand astrology for beginners and beyond.”
– Kirkus Reviews, March 2011
“Moon Phase Astrology is a valuable resource on a neglected topic. Through the use of descriptive and poetic titles, insightful text, and inspiring historic quotes, Raven Kaldera illuminates the subtle differences of the often forgotten Moon phases through the twelve zodiac signs. A must read for those walking the path of the Moon.”
– Christopher Penczak, author of Ascension Magick, Spirit Allies, and The Three Rays of Witchcraft
“In Moon Phase Astrology, Raven Kaldera weaves a magical tale of Moon lore, astrology, archetypes, and practical spiritual insight that imparts deep knowledge and understanding of the Moon’s impact on our lives. The wisdom of the ages permeates this methodical collection of information, enticing you to learn more about your dance through the seasons and cycles of the Moon based on the lunar phase at the time of birth. Highly recommended!”
– Susan Selene, internationally known psychic and astrologer
“Raven Kaldera’s Moon Phase Astrology is a much-needed addition to astrology’s literature on the Moon and how it affects our emotional and spiritual approach to life. By understanding the current Moon phase and the phase we were born under, we can more easily manage our responses to the ebb and flow of both stressful and joyful intervals. This book is an exceptional tool for keeping ourselves on an even keel during these challenging times.”
– Donna Cunningham, MSW, author of Moon Signs and The Moon in Your Life
“Moon Phase Astrology portrays the 96 Moons with a poetic license that captures the talents and gifts of each Moon, as well as the challenges and negative tendencies.”
– Dell Horoscope, October 2011
“For those interested in moon astrology, or for pagan peoples who are interested in anything Luna–related, this will provide another perspective on lunar frameworks.”
– Frater U.I.F., Behutet Magazine
“...the book is well-written and sufficiently covers an interesting niche area of astrology. For those interested in moon astrology, or for pagan peoples who are interested in anything Luna-related, this will provide another perspective on lunar frameworks.”
– Frater U.I.F., Behutet Magazine, October 2012
“This thick tome is a complete introduction to developing and understanding a personal relationship to the phases of the moon. Kaldera walks with the reader across the varied path of the moon as it glides through all of its 96 incarnations. Besides simply understanding the celestial path the moon takes, Kaldera shows the reader how the moon is a metaphor for our own lives, our personal relationships, and our general disposition towards the world. Kaldera brings a great sense of storytelling to his explanations of the moon’s place in our lives.”
– Witches’ Almanac, December 2013
“Intuitive, poetic, and intriguing. More reverie than textbook, Raven Kaldera’s work makes for an enticing read.”
– Sue Tompkins, author of Aspects in Astrology
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