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Spider's Syndicate of Crime vs. Spider-Boy

Book #4 of The Spider
By (artist) Reg Bunn
Published by 2000 AD
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book


The Spider is a sensational adventurer who operates on both sides of the law, using a whole host of hi-tech equipment to stay one step ahead of his enemies.

When gangleader, 'Turk' Dobbs crossed Criminal scientist, Sylvester Jenkins, the evil genius had Dobbs killed and framed the Spider for the murder. Not long after, a new enemy - 'Spider-boy', emerged from the shadows, seemingly intent on causing trouble for the 'King of Crooks'. With access to his own super equipment and an unparalleled hatred for the web-master, the Spider has never encountered a foe like this before!

About The Author

Jerry Siegel was born on October 17, 1914, in Cleveland, Ohio, the youngest of six children born to Lithuanian, Jewish immigrants. While attending Glenville High School he befriended Joe Shuster, as the two bonded over a shared interest in science fiction and movies. Unable to pay for college, Siegel had various day jobs while he also started to submit and sell comic scripts to National Allied Publications. Together with Shuster, he had developed a character called Superman, which they had intended on selling as a syndicated newspaper strip. However, after a few unsuccessful years, they finally sold the character to comic-book publisher, Detective Comics Inc. for $130.00. The comic became a huge success with Jerry Siegel on board as writer and Shuster on art duties. After military service during World War II, Siegel returned to DC Comics for a brief spell, but left in 1947 following a much publicised rights battle with the publisher over Superboy. He would return to DC Comics later in his career. Throughout his career, he co-created a number of key characters for DC, including Doctor Occult, The Spectre, Star-Spangled Kid and many of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Beyond DC, Siegel would team up one more time with Shuster to create the comic Funnyman, published by Magazine Enterprises. As well as scripting some Strange Tales scripts for Marvel and The Fly, The Mighty Crusaders and The Web for Archie Comics, he reached out to the Lion publishers, having received some copies of the comic and was so taken by The Spider, took over scripting duties from Ted Cowan.

Product Details

  • Publisher: 2000 AD (December 4, 2025)
  • Length: 112 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781837865604

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