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Table of Contents
About The Book
Recent studies show that food intolerances are almost 5 times more prevalant today than in the 1950s; as many as 1 in 6 Americans is estimated to have a food sensitivity. Exercise can make food intolerances even worse for endurance athletes. Food cravings, GI distress, headaches, brain fog--these common reactions can be more than symptoms of a tough workout. They could be caused by the foods you eat.
Endurance sports stress the body, often worsening mild food sensitivities and causing symptoms like GI distress, food cravings, and headaches. Many athletes aggressively eliminate foods as a one-size-fits-all solution. These restrictive diets sometimes bring short-term improvements, but they are difficult to maintain and often leave athletes undernourished and underperforming.
The Athlete's Fix offers a smarter, fine-tuned approach.
Taylor will show how you will benefit most from a diet full of a wide variety of foods. You'll improve your daily diet, cut out common irritants, then add back foods until you feel great enjoying your own personalized clean diet. To help with this transition, The Athlete's Fix offers 50 recipes using easily tolerated foods that support a base functional diet.
The Athlete's Fix examines hot issues for athletes like:
- Celiac disease, gluten intolerance, gluten-free and grain-free diets
- Lactose intolerance
- FODMAPs and specific carbohydrate intolerances, including fructose
- Reactions to food chemicals such as salicylates, amines, and glutamates
- Inflammatory foods
- Food sensitivity testing and elimination diets
- Popular special diet programs like Paleo, Whole30, Dukan, Mediterranean, and Dash
- Vegetarian, vegan, and raw food diets
The Athlete's Fix will help you isolate and identify your food intolerances while enabling you to eat the widest possible variety of healthy foods. Feel better--perform better--with The Athlete's Fix.
Product Details
- Publisher: VeloPress (May 7, 2015)
- Length: 256 pages
- ISBN13: 9781937716677
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Raves and Reviews
"In her new book The Athlete's Fix, a sports nutritionist and pro triathlete explains how food intolerance and your nutrition could be affecting your performance."
– Triathlete magazine
"Great insight and recipes inside."
– Mirinda Carfrae, professional triathlete
"Pip Taylor is a nutritionist and authority on using proper nutritional habits to get your body race day ready…The Athlete's Fix is ideal for anyone who is looking to improve their nutrition."
– Meredith Kessler, professional triathlete
“In this well-written book, Taylor does a great job explaining key concepts and giving understandable directions to turn scientific knowledge into step-by-step guidelines for your particular needs. The Athlete’s Fix is the next best thing to have a chat with a dietitian at your kitchen table.”
– USMS Swimmer
"Taylor's Bacon and Egg Tarts are a total game-changer. [They're] a protein-laden marriage of bacon-wrapped eggs. With their gourmet looks and 15-minute prep time, these tarts are another reason not to skip breakfast."
– Women’s Running
“In The Athlete’s Fix, Taylor will help you pinpoint your problem foods and then find the ones that will do your body good with her sensible 3-step program.”
– Simply Gluten Free magazine
"On the Tuesday before Kona, we realized it was the milk causing my swelling, inflammation, and breathing difficulties. Luckily, I had Pip Taylor's book The Athlete's Fix with me. It explained pretty much exactly what was going on with me."
– Gina Crawford, professional triathlete
"Pip's book is awesomely refreshing."
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- Book Cover Image (jpg): The Athlete's Fix eBook 9781937716677