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The Zodiac Light Oracle

Nakshatras, Sun Signs, and Planets

Illustrated by Pieter Weltevrede
Published by Destiny Books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A divination deck based on the nakshatras of Vedic astrology

• Explores the nakshatras—the 27 lunar mansions of Vedic astrology—an oral tradition taught by the rishis and sages for thousands of years

• Blends elements of Vedic and Western astrology for more expansive insights and nuanced divinatory readings

• Shows how to chart a horoscope with the cards and offers a list of friendly and unfriendly relationships between cards as well as a template for keeping a Zodiac Light journal

• A 48-Card Deck and Guidebook

The authors and illustrator draw upon the ancient wisdom of the rishis to encourage personal discovery, enhance relations with your inner and outer world, and to pursue purposeful transformations. Drawing on over 20 years of study with Sri Harish Johari and Sri Amritanandamayi, they created this book and deck to take you on a journey through the 27 lunar mansions of Vedic astrology and their ruling planets and sun signs.

The authors draw on the Vedic wisdom to encourage personal discovery, enhance relations with our inner and outer world, and pursue purposeful transformations. They highlight the significance of each nakshatra and its lessons. With striking illustrations by world-class artist Pieter Weltevrede, each card contributes to opening the mind and heart to greater joy, creative expression, and clarity. Using these cards brings deeper understanding of dreams, emotions, and the synchronicities visible to those on spiritual or magical paths. The guidebook offers five card spreads for working with Vedic and Western teachings, and instructions on how to chart a horoscope using the cards. A template is also provided for keeping a Zodiac Light Journal that can benefit your divination practice.

This deck gives readers the guidance to connect with their inner self and find answers to the questions of everyday life.

About The Authors

Kooch Daniels studied with Harish Johari for 20 years and is also a student of Sri Amritanandamayi. She is the coauthor, with Victor Daniels, Ph.D., of Tarot d’Amour and lives in Bodega, California.

Victor Daniels, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University. He was the first director of the India Studies program at Sonoma and studied meditation with Harish Johari and Jakusho Kwong-Roshi. He is the coauthor, with Kooch Daniels, of Tarot d’Amour and lives in Bodega, California.

About The Illustrator

Pieter Weltevrede (1955–2024) began his artistic studies with Harish Johari in 1977 and also studied with Shri Chandra Bal. He lived in the Netherlands with his wife and two children and traveled to India annually.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Destiny Books (November 20, 2025)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9798888502037

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