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Your Animal — Your Soul Mirror

Healing the Emotional Wounds of Animals and Their People

Foreword by Penelope Smith
Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A how-to guide on fostering emotional wellness for animals and their people

• Provides animal lovers with ways to identify which emotional wound pattern is operating within their companion and how to expedite the healing and resolution of that wound

• Offers techniques that can ameliorate negative behaviors, heighten levels of awareness, decrease suffering, increase love, and reveal one’s truest self

• Allows readers to spot, through their soul mirroring animal companions, which survival patterns they themselves use and how to transcend them

This emotional wellness guidebook offers resources for animal lovers to symbiotically heal their wounds alongside their animal kin through the awareness of soul mirroring.

The healing of our wounds and traumas, and the gifts garnered by learning through reflection, are a big reason why we choose to partner with animals for our mutual healing and growth. When humans develop a symbiosis with an animal, their heart and soul connection creates a collaborative healing blueprint. By consciously teaming up with our animal, Tammy shows how we can identify the survival patterns we use and how to transcend them. This book offers emotional wound descriptions, charts, and healing guidance for both humans and animals. Readers can use healing techniques tailored to different emotional wound patterns, including how to reparent and self-nurture, discharge negative emotions in healthy ways, identify and transform dysfunctional beliefs, release resistance to change, and unlock the heart. With these resources readers can anticipate reduced negative behaviors, easier navigation through traumas and negative experiences, heightened levels of awareness, and less suffering.

This book provides practical wisdom to empower and enrich every animal-human relationship for increased happiness, well-­being, and love.

About The Author

Tammy Billups is a transformational soul healer and pioneer on the animal-human sacred soul partnership. She’s a sought after holistic healer, the creator of animal-human Tandem Healings, and a Certified Interface Therapist. She has appeared on CNN’s The Daily Share, Primetime Live ABC, and Oprah. She lives near Atlanta, Georgia.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (October 23, 2025)
  • Length: 272 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781591435358

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