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Zara's Big Messy Goodbye

Illustrated by Danielle Pioli
Published by Wheat Penny Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Grief looks different for everyone, and that's okay.

After seven-year-old Zara experiences a death in her family, she learns that being sad can look different for different people.

With her Mama's help, Zara also learns a way to find comfort when big messy goodbyes feel too big and messy.

Written by mother-of-five and meditation guide Rebekah Borucki, Zara's Big Messy Goodbye teaches children how to recognize and accept their grief while also showing them how to accept the way others grieve.

And though this story deals with the loss of a beloved family member, it is appropriate for teaching children about all kinds of loss, like a broken friendship or a separation caused by moving to a new home or school.

Grief and trauma therapist Gina Moffa, LCSW, will also be your guide.

You'll find a section for parents, teachers, and caregivers at the back of the book, which offers you several exercises to use to work through grief together.

Get free gifts: You'll also get free access to downloadable coloring pages, an exclusive guided meditation for kids, and more! Just use the website link found inside the book to download your exclusive gifts.

Praise for Zara's Big Messy Goodbye:

"This delightful book opens a door for the healing conversations around grief and loss that our families and communities so urgently need right now. Zara shows readers how to use simple tools to foster understanding and acceptance for all the ways we experience and express being human.” — Tembi Locke, Author of NYT Bestselling book FROM SCRATCH, Producer, Actress, and Advocate

“Zara beautifully offers mindfulness for kids and adults alike.” — Rachel Ricketts, activist and author of Do Better

“Friends, I cannot recommend these books enough. Get Zara for you, your kids, your nieces, your nephews... They’re just so beatitful!” — Jennifer Pastiloff, author of the National Bestseller, On Being Human

About The Author

Rebekah Borucki is the founder of Row House Publishing and an author of books for big and little readers. She lives in New Jersey with her family and a gaggle of misfit four-legged friends.

About The Illustrator

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