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Publicity Department Directory

Please contact the appropriate department below for general media enquiries, review copies or interview request.



Are you a blogger? Would you like to receive review copies of our titles? If so, then email our Marketing department at to request these. Please include your name, postal address, your blog URL, a list of your preferred genres and a link to a current review. We will then add you to our blog database and send you review copies of upcoming titles.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a blogger requesting YA titles, please email


Adult Publicity Department


Polly Osborn – Publicity and Marketing Director

Sabah Khan – Head of Publicity

Jessica Barratt – Deputy Head of Publicity

Sue Stephens – Senior Publicity Manager

Rebecca McCarthy – Senior Publicity Manager (Scribner)

Rhiannon Carroll – Publicity Manager

Victoria Purcell – Publicity Manager (Distribution)

Harriett Collins – Senior Press Officer

Laurie McShea – Group Marketing and Publicity Assistant


To contact any of the above publicists please send an email to their attention to


Children's Publicity Department


Sarah Macmillan - Marketing and Publicity Director

Olivia Horrox - Marketing & Publicity Manager

Eve Wersocki Morris - Publicity Manager

To contact any of the above publicists please send an email to their attention to


Please note any requests for publicity materials for author events in schools, libraries or bookshops should allow 28 days notice. If you do not make your request with this notice period, your materials may arrive late. For more information or any queries please email the team at