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Business & Economics General Free Press 9.99 and under Published by Simon & Schuster
Popular Features
A. Parasuraman (1)
Aaron Dignan (1)
Adrian Gostick (1)
Ann Beaudry (1)
Bernd H. Schmitt (1)
Bill Wackermann (1)
Brian Fugere (1)
Bruce Bodaken (1)
Charles C. Snow (1)
Charles L. Colby (1)
Chelsea Hardaway (1)
Chester Elton (1)
Dale Carnegie (1)
Daniel Acuff (1)
David A. Aaker (1)
David A. Lax (1)
David Horsager (1)
David K. Hurst (1)
Dee Jacob (1)
Douglas R. Sease (1)
Dwight L. Gertz (1)
Ellen Pollock (1)
Everett M. Rogers (1)
Francis J. Gouillart (1)
George A. Steiner (1)
George Simmel (1)
Gil Troy (1)
H. Thomas Johnson (1)
Hal Lancaster (1)
Harris Interactive (1)
Harry Roberts (1)
Herbert A. Simon (1)
Hilary Kramer (1)
J. Oliver Crom (1)
Jagdish Sheth (1)
James G. March (1)
James K Sebenius (1)
James Morgan (1)
Jeff Cox (1)
Jeffrey Williams (1)
Jim Bandrowski (1)
Joao P.A. Baptista (1)
John H. Lingle (1)
John Kao (1)
John P. Kotter (2)
Jon Warshawsky (1)
Joseph J. Fucini (1)
Karen Ritchie (1)
Katherine Losse (1)
Kiyoshi Suzaki (1)
Leonard Greenhalgh (1)
Leonard L. Berry (1)
Lisa Johnson (1)
Mark L. Sirower (2)
Max Weber (1)
Michael A. Crom (1)
Michael D Cohen (1)
Monica Langley (1)
Mortimer Levitt (1)
Neil Barofsky (1)
Patrick Hanlon (1)
Paul Auerbach (1)
Peter Sealey (1)
Philip H. Francis (1)
Rafael Aguayo (1)
Rajeev Peshawaria (1)
Rajendra Sisodia (1)
Raymond E. Miles (1)
Robert Axelrod (1)
Robert Fritz (1)
Robert H Reiher (1)
Robert H. Frank (1)
Roger Von Oech (1)
Samuel A. Culbert (1)
Schuman (1)
Steve Frank (1)
Steven M. Cristol (1)
Steven P. Schnaars (1)
Suzan Bergland (1)
T. Irene Sanders (1)
The Staff of the Wall Street Journal (4)
Troy Anderson (1)
Venkat Ramaswamy (1)
William A. Schiemann (1)