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A. Parasuraman (1)
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Alvin P. Lehnerd (1)
Amelia Warren Tyagi (1)
Amitai Etzioni (1)
Amr Al-Dabbagh (1)
Ann Beaudry (1)
Bernard M. Bass (1)
Bernd H. Schmitt (3)
Beverly Goldberg (1)
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Bradley Gale (1)
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Samuel A. Culbert (1)
Shlomo Maital (1)
Stedman Graham (1)
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Steven C. Wheelwright (1)
Steven E. Landsburg (1)
Steven Kotler (1)
Steven M. Cristol (1)
Steven M. Sheffrin (1)
Steven P. Schnaars (1)
Suzan Bergland (1)
The Staff of the Wall Street Journal (5)
Theresa Foy DiGeronimo (1)
Thomas Wolf (1)
Tony Alessandra (1)
Torie Clarke (1)
Troy Anderson (1)
Valarie A. Zeithaml (1)
Venkat Ramaswamy (1)
W. Earl Sasser Jr. (2)
William A. Gamson (1)
William A. Schiemann (1)
William G. Howard Jr. (1)
William H. Davidow (1)
William I Zangwill (1)