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Alyssa Satin Capucilli
Callie Barkley
Charlotte Pomerantz
Doreen Cronin
Editors of Silver Dolphin Books
Eric Seltzer
Frances O'Roark Dowell
Henry Cole
Jane Yolen
Jennifer Sattler
Lauren Thompson
Lu Fraser
Marguerite Henry
Matthew Van Fleet
Nancy Tafuri
Nicola Baker
Pat Hutchins
Priscilla Burris
Sarah Dillard
Susanna Leonard Hill
Tammi Sauer
Tomie dePaola
Interrupting Cow and the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
(Part of Interrupting Cow)
Fixed Layout eBook£3.49
Interrupting Cow and the Horse of a Different Color
(Part of Interrupting Cow)
Fixed Layout eBook£3.49
Interrupting Cow and the Chicken Crossing the Road
(Part of Interrupting Cow)
Fixed Layout eBook£3.99
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
(Part of Padded Board Books for Babies)
Editors of Silver Dolphin Books
Board Book£4.99