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A. D. Scott
Agatha Christie
Alan Judd
Andrew Wilson
Benjamin Appel
Bernard Knight
Bill Cameron
Candace Robb
Catherine Cavendish
Claire Coughlan
Dee Kelly Jr.
Ed Gorman
Edgar Wallace
Editors of Canterbury Classics
Frank Tallis
Gareth Rubin
Gary Inbinder
Guy Bolton
James W. Ziskin
Jane Austen
Joanna FitzPatrick
Jody Hadlock
John Copenhaver
Joseph Kanon
Julie McElwain
Juliette Shapiro
Karen Lee Street
Kate Furnivall
Katherine Addison
Kris Waldherr
Larry D. Sweazy
Lawrence Goldstone
Leah Fleming
Leonard Goldberg
Maryla Szymiczkowa
Mathew Carr
Meg and Tom Keneally
Michelle Cox
Nancy Bilyeau
Philip Freeman
Robin Farrar Maass
Robin Yocum
Shelley Blanton-Stroud
Siddhartha Sarma
Simone Buchholz
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sophia Tobin
Stacie Murphy
Stephen Kelly
Steve Goble
Steve Wick
Steven Price
Susan Spann
Terry Mort
Tessa Lunney
Thomas Maier
Timothy Miller
W.A. Winter
Wilkie Collins
William Kent Krueger