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Fiction Science Fiction Adventure eBook 16.99 and under
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A. E. Van Vogt (1)
Aaron Rosenberg (5)
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Alan E. Nourse (9)
Alan J. Ramm (1)
Alfred Coppel (1)
Algis Budrys (10)
Allen Glasser (1)
Allen Stroud (1)
Allyn Gibson (2)
and Kevin Dilmore Dayton Ward (1)
Andre Norton (1)
Andy Mangels (7)
Anne Tibbets (1)
Anthony O'Neill (1)
Armin Shimerman (3)
Arnold Castle (1)
August Derleth (1)
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Blizzard Entertainment (1)
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C.M. Kornbluth (1)
Carl Jacobi (1)
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Cassandra Rose Clarke (5)
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Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (1)
Cheryl Campbell (1)
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Christie Golden (5)
Christina F. York (3)
Christopher Golden (1)
Christopher L. Bennett (22)
Clark Ashton Smith (1)
Clifford D. Simak (3)
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Daniel Graham (3)
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Eden Phillpotts (1)
Edgar Rice Burroughs (10)
Edmond Hamilton (4)
Edward E. Smith (1)
Edward W. Ludwig (1)
Elisa J. Kassin (1)
Elizabeth Anne Martins (1)
Ellen Clary (1)
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Esther Friesner (3)
Evelyn E. Smith (23)
Everett C. Smith (1)
F. J. Lennon (1)
Fox B. Holden (1)
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Frank M. Robinson (1)
Frederik Pohl (3)
Fritz Leiber (4)
Garfield Reeves-Stevens (1)
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Gene P. Abel (2)
Genevieve Valentine (1)
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Geoffrey Thorne (1)
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George O. Smith (1)
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Graham McNeill (1)
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Greg Cox (15)
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Irving Cox, Jr. (1)
Irving E. Cox, Jr. (1)
Ivar Jorgenson (1)
J. F. Bone (1)
J. Steven York (3)
J.D. Moyer (2)
J.M. Dillard (4)
Jack London (3)
Jack Sharkey (1)
Jack Vance (1)
Jack Williamson (1)
James H. Schmitz (1)
James I. Kirkland (1)
James McKimmey, Jr. (2)
James Swallow (12)
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Jeff Ayers (1)
Jeff D. Jacques (1)
Jeff Mariotte (3)
Jeff Rovin (2)
Jeffrey Lang (3)
Jerome Bixby (2)
Jerry Oltion (2)
Jerry Sohl (1)
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John "Bones" Rodriguez (1)
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John Gregory Betancourt (1)
John J. Ordover (1)
John Jackson Miller (9)
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John Shirley (3)
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Johnny Worthen (4)
Joseph Staten (1)
Josepha Sherman (2)
Judith Merril (2)
Judith Reeves-Stevens (7)
Jules Verne (4)
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K.W. Jeter (1)
Karen Traviss (3)
Kathy Oltion (1)
Keith Laumer (16)
Keith R. A. DeCandido (20)
Keith Sharee (1)
Kevin Dilmore (18)
Kevin Killiany (3)
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Kirsten Beyer (11)
Kris Neville (2)
Kristi Charish (4)
Kristine Kathryn Rusch (2)
L. Ron Hubbard (1)
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Larry Shaw (1)
Lee Gimenez (1)
Lester Del Ray (1)
Lester del Rey (1)
Logic (1)
Loren Coleman (2)
Louis Trimble (5)
M.L. Stover (1)
Manly Wade Wellman (1)
Marco Palmieri (1)
Margaret Clark (1)
Margaret Wander Bonanno (5)
Mari Wolf (2)
Marion Zimmer Bradley (1)
Mark Clifton (2)
Mary Elizabeth Counselman (1)
Matthew Costello (1)
Michael A. Martin (13)
Michael Jan Friedman (6)
Michael Schuster (2)
Michael Scott (1)
Mike Brooks (1)
Mike Collins (1)
Mike Johnson (1)
Mike Lewis (1)
Mike McMahan (1)
Mike Sussman (1)
Mike W. Barr (1)
Monroe K. Ruch (1)
Murray Leinster (5)
Myrna Culbreath (1)
Nadia Afifi (2)
Nate Kenyon (1)
Neil R. Jones (1)
Nelson Bond (1)
Nelson S. Bond (1)
Noel Loomis (1)
Olivia Woods (2)
Otis Adelbert Kline (2)
Paol Anderson (1)
Paul Dayton (1)
Paul Kupperberg (2)
Paul W. Fairman (1)
Paula M. Block (4)
Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins (1)
Peter David (16)
Phaedra M. Weldon (3)
Philip K. Dick (2)
Poul Anderson (9)
R. A. Lafferty (2)
R. A. Salvatore (4)
R. E. Stearns (2)
Rachael Sparks (1)
Ralph Sholto (1)
Randall Garrett (3)
Randall N. Bills (2)
Ray Bradbury (3)
Ray Cummings (1)
Raymond Gallun (1)
Raymond Z. Gallun (2)
Richard C. White (1)
Richard R. Smith (1)
Robert F. Young (1)
Robert E Vardeman (1)
Robert E. Gilbert (1)
Robert F. Young (12)
Robert Greenberger (5)
Robert J. Shea (1)
Robert Moore Williams (2)
Robert Sheckley (2)
Robert T. Jeschonek (1)
Rog Phillips (1)
Roxann Dawson (3)
Rudy Josephs (1)
Russ Winterbotham (1)
S.B. Divya (1)
S.D. Perry (4)
Sam Merwin, Jr. (2)
Sarah Lahey (2)
Sarah Shaw (1)
Scott Britz (1)
Scott Ciencin (2)
Scott Harrison (1)
Scott Pearson (2)
Shlomo Nakdimon (1)
Simon Hawke (1)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1)
Sondra Marshak (1)
Stanley Bing (1)
Stanley G. Weinbaum (4)
Stanley Mullen (1)
Steve Mollmann (2)
Susan Shwartz (2)
Susan Wright (3)
T. R. Williams (2)
Terri Osborne (5)
Terry J. Erdmann (5)
Theodore Pratt (1)
Theodore Sturgeon (1)
Tobias S. Buckell (1)
Tom Cool (1)
Tom Godwin (1)
Tom Miller (1)
Tom W. Harris (1)
Tony Daniel (2)
Trey Dowell (1)
Una McCormack (11)
Various (5)
Vaseleos Garson (1)
Vonda N. McIntyre (2)
W.R. Thompson (1)
Walter Miller Jr. (1)
Weddle David (1)
Wesley Chu (1)
Wess Roberts (1)
William C. Dietz (2)
William F. Nolan (1)
William Le Queux (1)
William Leisner (5)
William Morrison (2)
William Shatner (6)
William Tenn (2)
William W. Stuart (1)
Winston Marks (3)
Yevgeny Zamyatin (1)
Zachary Brown (3)