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Andrew Kirtzman (1)
Andy Borowitz (1)
Angelo M. Codevilla (1)
Austin Ruse (1)
Barbara Olson (1)
Bob Woodward (1)
Brad Raffensperger (1)
Brett M. Decker (1)
Byron York (1)
Carissa Lytle (1)
Carrie Severino (1)
Christopher Kirchhoff (1)
Crystal Wright (1)
Curt Lader M.S. Ed. (2)
Daniel Baer (1)
Danny Toma (1)
David Cay Johnston (1)
David Gergen (1)
David Harsanyi (1)
David Horowitz (2)
David Kuo (1)
David Limbaugh (1)
David Maraniss (1)
Dinesh D'Souza (3)
Donald J. Trump (1)
Douglas Axe (1)
Ed Gillespie (1)
Ed Martin (1)
Edward Klein (1)
Eric Eggers (1)
Geoff Duncan (1)
George H. Nash (1)
George H.W. Bush (1)
Gina Loudon (1)
Glenn Beck (1)
Greg Abbott (1)
Gregory B. Jaczko (1)
Howard Kurtz (1)
Hugh Hewitt (1)
Jackson Katz (1)
Jacob S. Hacker (1)
Jara Kern (1)
Jay W. Richards (1)
Joel Pollak (1)
John H. Dalton (1)
John R. Lott Jr. (2)
Joseph A. Califano Jr. (1)
Joseph I. Lieberman (1)
Kathleen Hartnett White (1)
Ken Block (1)
Ken Buck (1)
Kevin D. Williamson (1)
Kurt Schlichter (1)
Lanny J. Davis (1)
Larry Correia (1)
Lawrence B. Lindsey (1)
Marc Morano (1)
Mark Davis (1)
Mark R. Levin (5)
Matt Stoller (1)
Mattea Kramer et al /National Priorities Project (1)
Michael Anton (1)
Michael Steele (1)
Michael Weisskopf (1)
Michelle Malkin (1)
Mollie Hemingway (1)
Newt Gingrich (1)
Nick Ragone (1)
Nina J. Easton (1)
Paul Pierson (1)
Phillip C. McGraw (1)
Phyllis Schlafly (1)
Raj M. Shah (1)
Raymond Arsenault (1)
Rick Santorum (1)
Rick Wilson (1)
Robert P. Murphy (1)
Robert Spencer (1)
Ronald Kessler (1)
Ronald Reagan (1)
Ross Douthat (1)
Ryan Lovelace (1)
Ryan T. Anderson (1)
Sally Hubbard (1)
Sean Hannity (1)
Stephen Moore (1)
Tara Ross (1)
Ted Cruz (2)
Terry Jeffrey (1)
The Washington Post Fact Checker Staff (1)
Thomas J. DiLorenzo (1)
Tom Fitton (2)
Tony Blankley (1)
Tulsi Gabbard (1)
Vince Everett Ellison (1)
W. James Antle III (1)
William M. Briggs (1)