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Published by Healing Arts Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
Table of Contents
About The Book
A practical guide to discovering the cause of your constipation and finding the right natural remedy for your unique case
• Details the 8 main causes of constipation and how to determine which is at the root of your difficulties
• Offers practical advice on how to correct each type of constipation with natural and non-aggressive methods, such as dietary changes, herbs, and relaxation methods
• Explains gentle, natural ways to empty the bowels when quick relief is necessary
• Reveals how treating constipation properly can restore full function not only to the digestive system but to the liver and kidneys as well
Constipation has many causes. Most people do not know the exact cause of their constipation and thus have trouble finding lasting relief. Yet there are many natural remedies available that can be tailored to your body’s specific needs.
In this step-by-step guide, Christopher Vasey explains how healthy intestines work and the different forms that constipation can take. He details the 8 main causes of constipation: lack of roughage, lack of water, liver dysfunction, constipating foods or medications, weak muscles, imbalances in intestinal flora, stress and anxiety, and nutritional deficiencies. He helps you discover which of the 8 causes underlies your unique case and offers practical advice on how to correct it with natural and non-aggressive methods, such as dietary changes, herbs, and relaxation techniques. For situations when quick relief is necessary, he provides gentle ways to empty the bowels, including natural laxatives and enemas, explaining which to choose for each type of constipation, but also stressing that these are only temporary solutions.
Explaining how constipation can be a symptom of a deeper imbalance, the author explores how treating it properly can restore full function not only to the digestive system but to the liver and kidneys as well. In this practical guide, you will learn how to support the work of your intestines, allowing your body to gradually resume its natural working rhythm.
• Details the 8 main causes of constipation and how to determine which is at the root of your difficulties
• Offers practical advice on how to correct each type of constipation with natural and non-aggressive methods, such as dietary changes, herbs, and relaxation methods
• Explains gentle, natural ways to empty the bowels when quick relief is necessary
• Reveals how treating constipation properly can restore full function not only to the digestive system but to the liver and kidneys as well
Constipation has many causes. Most people do not know the exact cause of their constipation and thus have trouble finding lasting relief. Yet there are many natural remedies available that can be tailored to your body’s specific needs.
In this step-by-step guide, Christopher Vasey explains how healthy intestines work and the different forms that constipation can take. He details the 8 main causes of constipation: lack of roughage, lack of water, liver dysfunction, constipating foods or medications, weak muscles, imbalances in intestinal flora, stress and anxiety, and nutritional deficiencies. He helps you discover which of the 8 causes underlies your unique case and offers practical advice on how to correct it with natural and non-aggressive methods, such as dietary changes, herbs, and relaxation techniques. For situations when quick relief is necessary, he provides gentle ways to empty the bowels, including natural laxatives and enemas, explaining which to choose for each type of constipation, but also stressing that these are only temporary solutions.
Explaining how constipation can be a symptom of a deeper imbalance, the author explores how treating it properly can restore full function not only to the digestive system but to the liver and kidneys as well. In this practical guide, you will learn how to support the work of your intestines, allowing your body to gradually resume its natural working rhythm.
Numerous smooth and striated muscles work together to achieve the elimination of stools. However, this will not work properly unless these muscles are in a good functional state. For some people suffering from constipation, this is unfortunately not the case.
This weakening of the muscular system is often due to our sedentary lifestyle. Technological progress has led to machines that work in our stead--cars, elevators, washing machines, mixers, vacuum cleaners, and so on. Lack of demand on our muscles leads to a weakening of the muscular system overall, and that of the peristaltic and abdominal muscles in particular.
Muscular weakness is the cause for a high number of the cases of constipation in the current population. The lack of tone in the intestinal and abdominal muscles can only be solved by strengthening them, which amounts to using and exercising them again.
These exercises target the abdominal muscles. The peristaltic muscles cannot be exercised directly, as they are not subject to our will. However, the work performed by the abdominal muscles calls on the peristaltic muscles to work automatically.
To begin, start with only a few contractions. With practice you will be able to perform a series of 10, 20, or 40 contractions followed by a brief moment to recuperate. Each series should be repeated two or three times.
One session should include three different exercises among those presented below--one for each of the different muscle groups. Practice the first three exercises every day for a period of 1-2 weeks. Then move on to three different exercises. Remember that the exercises you feel are the most tiresome to perform are those that you need most!
The reeducation of the intestinal muscles will take time.With regular practice, over a period of months, you will obtain good abdominal muscle tone, restoring good intestinal function.
Exercises for the Rectus Abdominus Muscle
1. Scissors
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: With legs outstretched, move each up and down in alternation.
2. Bike
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: Make semi-circular movements with your legs as if peddling a bike.
3. Oars
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: Stretch one leg out straight then bend the other in alternation.
4. Sit-ups
Starting position: Lie on your back with calves placed up on a chair. Calves and thighs form a right angle. Clasp hands behind your head.
Movement: Raise your upper body toward your knees. Relax back into the starting position; repeat.
Exercises for the Oblique Muscles (Internal and External)
1. Lateral Swing of the Torso (Standing)
Starting position: Stand erect with both hands clasped behind your head.
Movement 1: Swing your torso in alternation to the left and to the right. Inhale on the right and exhale on the left for a series of movements, then do the opposite.
Movement 2 (harder version): Make the same movements but with your arms stretched above your head, or with a heavy object (a large book, for example) held over the nape of your neck.
2. Lateral Swings (Supine)
Starting point: Lie on your back with your arms spread out to form a cross. Raise your thighs so they are vertical and your calves form a right angle to them.
Movement: Swing your legs in alternation to the left and right.
3. Cross Swings
Starting point: Lie on your back with hands clasped behind your head. Your legs should be slightly raised and bent.
Movement: Swing forward to bring your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to the left knee; repeat.
Exercises for the Transversus Abdominus Muscle
1. Retracting the Belly (Supine)
Starting point: Lie on your back with hands placed over your torso, legs bent.
Movement: Press lower back into the ground, exhale, and push your navel in toward your spinal column. Maintain this position for 10–20 seconds. Relax and repeat.
2. Retracting the Belly (Standing)
Starting point: Stand with back against the wall.
Movement 1: Inhale deeply. While holding your breath, push your belly forward for several seconds. Next, exhale slowly (10 seconds) while sucking in your belly (by bringing navel toward spinal column).
Movement 2: This exercise can also be done seated.
By lying on your back and relaxing your abdominal muscles, you can massage the peristaltic muscles of the intestines through the soft tissue of the belly.
Intestinal Rub Down
Apply circular pressure with fist or fingertips along the entire length of the intestines. Rub a small portion of the colon for 5-10 seconds, then move on to the next section. Start at the right hypochondrium (where the appendix is located) then gradually move up the length of the ascending colon. Continue horizontally on the transverse colon toward the left hip, and finally go back down the descending colon.
Proceed in the same way with the lower intestine, which is located inside the frame formed by the three parts of the colon. It can therefore be reached by massaging the zone around the navel.
During a session of self-massage, you may discover that certain parts of the intestines are hard or tight. Do not hesitate to massage these zones to soften and relax them. A massage session should last 5-10 minutes. It must be done every day. The first effects will manifest after several days; for more long-lasting effects, plan on doing this for several weeks.
Tennis Ball Massage
Place a tennis ball on the belly. Press down on the ball along the course of the colon for 3–5 minutes. Move in a clockwise direction (the direction of colon transit). Daily repetition of this massage for several weeks will reawaken the slumbering peristalsis of constipated intestines.
Numerous smooth and striated muscles work together to achieve the elimination of stools. However, this will not work properly unless these muscles are in a good functional state. For some people suffering from constipation, this is unfortunately not the case.
This weakening of the muscular system is often due to our sedentary lifestyle. Technological progress has led to machines that work in our stead--cars, elevators, washing machines, mixers, vacuum cleaners, and so on. Lack of demand on our muscles leads to a weakening of the muscular system overall, and that of the peristaltic and abdominal muscles in particular.
Muscular weakness is the cause for a high number of the cases of constipation in the current population. The lack of tone in the intestinal and abdominal muscles can only be solved by strengthening them, which amounts to using and exercising them again.
These exercises target the abdominal muscles. The peristaltic muscles cannot be exercised directly, as they are not subject to our will. However, the work performed by the abdominal muscles calls on the peristaltic muscles to work automatically.
To begin, start with only a few contractions. With practice you will be able to perform a series of 10, 20, or 40 contractions followed by a brief moment to recuperate. Each series should be repeated two or three times.
One session should include three different exercises among those presented below--one for each of the different muscle groups. Practice the first three exercises every day for a period of 1-2 weeks. Then move on to three different exercises. Remember that the exercises you feel are the most tiresome to perform are those that you need most!
The reeducation of the intestinal muscles will take time.With regular practice, over a period of months, you will obtain good abdominal muscle tone, restoring good intestinal function.
Exercises for the Rectus Abdominus Muscle
1. Scissors
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: With legs outstretched, move each up and down in alternation.
2. Bike
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: Make semi-circular movements with your legs as if peddling a bike.
3. Oars
Starting position: Sit on the ground. Recline your upper body backward, propping yourself up on your forearms.
Movement: Stretch one leg out straight then bend the other in alternation.
4. Sit-ups
Starting position: Lie on your back with calves placed up on a chair. Calves and thighs form a right angle. Clasp hands behind your head.
Movement: Raise your upper body toward your knees. Relax back into the starting position; repeat.
Exercises for the Oblique Muscles (Internal and External)
1. Lateral Swing of the Torso (Standing)
Starting position: Stand erect with both hands clasped behind your head.
Movement 1: Swing your torso in alternation to the left and to the right. Inhale on the right and exhale on the left for a series of movements, then do the opposite.
Movement 2 (harder version): Make the same movements but with your arms stretched above your head, or with a heavy object (a large book, for example) held over the nape of your neck.
2. Lateral Swings (Supine)
Starting point: Lie on your back with your arms spread out to form a cross. Raise your thighs so they are vertical and your calves form a right angle to them.
Movement: Swing your legs in alternation to the left and right.
3. Cross Swings
Starting point: Lie on your back with hands clasped behind your head. Your legs should be slightly raised and bent.
Movement: Swing forward to bring your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to the left knee; repeat.
Exercises for the Transversus Abdominus Muscle
1. Retracting the Belly (Supine)
Starting point: Lie on your back with hands placed over your torso, legs bent.
Movement: Press lower back into the ground, exhale, and push your navel in toward your spinal column. Maintain this position for 10–20 seconds. Relax and repeat.
2. Retracting the Belly (Standing)
Starting point: Stand with back against the wall.
Movement 1: Inhale deeply. While holding your breath, push your belly forward for several seconds. Next, exhale slowly (10 seconds) while sucking in your belly (by bringing navel toward spinal column).
Movement 2: This exercise can also be done seated.
By lying on your back and relaxing your abdominal muscles, you can massage the peristaltic muscles of the intestines through the soft tissue of the belly.
Intestinal Rub Down
Apply circular pressure with fist or fingertips along the entire length of the intestines. Rub a small portion of the colon for 5-10 seconds, then move on to the next section. Start at the right hypochondrium (where the appendix is located) then gradually move up the length of the ascending colon. Continue horizontally on the transverse colon toward the left hip, and finally go back down the descending colon.
Proceed in the same way with the lower intestine, which is located inside the frame formed by the three parts of the colon. It can therefore be reached by massaging the zone around the navel.
During a session of self-massage, you may discover that certain parts of the intestines are hard or tight. Do not hesitate to massage these zones to soften and relax them. A massage session should last 5-10 minutes. It must be done every day. The first effects will manifest after several days; for more long-lasting effects, plan on doing this for several weeks.
Tennis Ball Massage
Place a tennis ball on the belly. Press down on the ball along the course of the colon for 3–5 minutes. Move in a clockwise direction (the direction of colon transit). Daily repetition of this massage for several weeks will reawaken the slumbering peristalsis of constipated intestines.
Product Details
- Publisher: Healing Arts Press (December 15, 2016)
- Length: 192 pages
- ISBN13: 9781620555866
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