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Meanjin Vol 83, No 3

Published by Meanjin
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Noongar writer Claire G. Coleman has created an annotated version of the constitution-and it's about to become our democracy bible. Turns out Australia has a king (I know, right) and he's planning a visit: to greet him, Jenny Hocking reflects on racism, power and royal privilege, while Frank Bongiorno marks sixty years since The Lucky Country taunted its way into our vernacular. As ever, Lee Lai's framing illustration is compelling: the Colonial Frontier Massacre Map 1788-1930 is a project we should all know well. Reminding us how much unfinished business awaits us, there's Olivia Nigro's 'Australia in Three Books', Julien Leyre's experimental 'From the midfield', and Shaun Micallef's 'The Year in Satire'. Our feature interview is with Ellen van Neerven and it's truly invigorating. Taribelang writer Ella Ferris, our inaugural Meanjin InPlace Resident, offers her beautiful memoir piece 'Crocodile'. Plus there's Adrian Mouhajer on love as worship; Charlie Lewis on pop music at the end of the world; fiction by David Cohen that will have you folded over bristling; the Peter Carey Short Story Prize winners, and plenty more poetry, fiction, memoir, reviews and experiments-you're going to love Patrick Pound's. As for this season's cover: ka-pow! Sheer joy for Meanjin collectors. We begin with Olkola Elder Uncle Mike Ross: his Meanjin Paper 'Well it's beautiful Country, really-' will seat you at his feet and cast your mind across vast Country....Embrace Meanjin 83.3 Spring 2024.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Meanjin (September 13, 2024)
  • Length: 268 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780522880588

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