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About The Book

Bob Woodward's second global bestseller on the Trump presidency, based on in-depth research and interviews with the president.

Woodward, the No 1 international bestselling author of Fear: Trump in the White House, has uncovered the precise moment the president was warned that the Covid-19 epidemic would be the biggest national security threat to his presidency. In dramatic detail, Woodward takes readers into the Oval Office as Trump’s head pops up when he is told in January 2020 that the pandemic could reach the scale of the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 675,000 Americans.

In 17 on-the-record interviews with Woodward over seven volatile months - an utterly vivid window into Trump’s mind - the president provides a self-portrait that is part denial and part combative interchange mixed with surprising moments of doubt as he glimpses the perils in the presidency and what he calls the 'dynamite behind every door'. At key decision points, Rage shows how Trump’s responses to the crises of 2020 were rooted in the instincts, habits and style he developed during his first three years as president.

Revisiting the earliest days of the Trump presidency, Rage reveals how Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats struggled to keep the country safe as the president dismantled any semblance of collegial national security decision making. Rage draws from hundreds of hours of interviews with first-hand witnesses as well as participants’ notes, emails, diaries, calendars and confidential documents.

Woodward obtained 25 never-seen personal letters exchanged between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who describes the bond between the two leaders as out of a 'fantasy film'. Trump insists to Woodward he will triumph over Covid-19 and the economic calamity. 'Don’t worry about it, Bob. Okay?' Trump told the author in July. 'Don’t worry about it. We’ll get to do another book. You’ll find I was right.'

About The Author

Lisa Berg

Bob Woodward is the author of three consecutive #1 New York Times bestsellers on President Trump – Fear (2018), Rage (2020) and Peril (2021) with Robert Costa – and an audio book of twenty interviews with Trump. He has authored twenty-two bestselling books, fifteen of which have been #1 New York Times bestsellers, covering every president from Nixon to Biden.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK (September 15, 2020)
  • Length: 480 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781471197727

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Raves and Reviews

'Washington's most eminent journalist dissects his first term and...concludes he is simply "the wrong man for the job". In a devastating critique..he lambasts him for revelling in "perpetual rage". A riveting read.'

– Tony Rennell, Daily Mail

'Even in a news landscape where it feels like nothing is shocking anymore, the first excerpts from the new Bob Woodward book still landed like a pair of hydrogen bombs.'

– Vanity Fair

'Rage may be Bob Woodward's most important book since All the President's Men.'

– Peter Bergen, CNN

'The book possesses more than a patina of similarity to the famous televised interviews between David Frost and Richard Nixon, the president Woodward and Carl Bernstein brought down with their reporting on Watergate nearly a half-century ago.'

– Guardian

'Woodward’s prose offers readers that delicious, vicarious sense of being an insider, right there in the room with Bob, a witness to presidential sulks and boasts.'

– Rosa Brooks, Washington Post

'[T]his revealing look at an embattled presidency facing a pandemic, racial unrest and a suffering economy…the book’s details have been explosive.'

– USA Today

'Rage is essential reading for anyone hoping to understand Trump.'

– Walter Clemons, New York Journal of Books

'Damning… Unlike most Trump tapes, Woodward’s actually tell us something new about the president, rather than just confirming what we think we already know.'

– Michelle Goldberg, New York Times

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